Monday 7 November 2011

Handmade & Heartfelt! Is this new to you!

I was thinking this morning how many of you have probably been bring Handmade & Heartfelt Gifts and love to others with out even realising.     Handmade & Heartfelt Goodness can be brought into our lives and others even with the simplest action.        

Even Store brought gifts can have these actions introduced to them and brought to them.  It's about bringing joys into others lives and yours.    This can be done in the simplest of ways...

Making Gift Tags
Making Wrapping Paper
That special soft toy, adding a handmade belongs to tag
Adding a inscription into that special book you are giving
Taking chocolates out of a box and wrapping in celophane or putting it into noodle boxes for eg.
Taking a bottle of wine or Grape juice and adding a personal label to it
Toy from Santa (enclosing a special letter from Santa and/or the elves, typed out and decorated or even handwritten
Taking store brought cookies/mellowpuffs and making treats out of them
Taking the Garden Magazine for your father in law and before wrapping adding a couple of packets of seeds inside the magazine
Writing out 5 or more christmas cards and putting them into neigbour's letter boxes

Okay these are just a few and I will be covering lots of these ideas and many many more along with inspiration and ideas for Handmade & Heartfelt Gifts and ways of showing you care over the coming weeks leading up to Christmas and then continuing after that.

My dear friend Sandra commented on Facebook this morning that it's 46 days till christmas so expect at least 46 more blog posts maybe more.

Thank you to all my commenters and followers..You are awesome and I am loving doing this and it is for you that I am doing this blog.  I will be starting to post out kits latter this week..  If you can email me on with your address and I will get these underway.

Please do let me know what things you would like me to Blog about this coming season!

To finish and to quote Martha Stewart "It's a Good Thing"


  1. yay 46 days, getting into the spirit of the season.
    I am surely up for a gifty swap, would love it if you could organise one on here

  2. LOVING the idea of putting seeds in a garden mag - it really is the little touches that make everything special :) Doing craft market first but can't wait to share a couple of my ideas with you once that is over xoxo

  3. I just love all of your ideas Debbie. You have given me some things to think about already...
