Saturday 10 December 2011

1st Christmas Done and some more Gift Ideas

Well today we drove down to Katikati and spent the day with my parents.  It was great to see them and they loved seeing us....We had cold roast chicken, salad and rolls and Richard and I were on Desert Duty.  Every year around Christmas I make trifles but with out the alchohol and normall use a really good orange juice.  Well today I made a Chocolate & Berry Trifle.  Photos to come when we have edited them...I used layers of chocolate brownie, then mixed berries (that had been frozen and then I cooked them down with some sugar and then cooled), then layer of custard, then brownie etc again finishing with whipped cream and shaved chocolate on top...OMG it was devine...Will def be making it again.

Sometimes it's the similest gifts that are the best...I have grown up with Mum loving to go to 2nd hand shops and she knew how much David loves books and got him a thick illustrated kids dictonary and OMG he just loves it and has had his nose glued in it for most of the trip back.

For one of Richard's work colleagues I am making the following gift which will suit him right down to the ground.


I got the idea from one of my fav sites eighteen25 from this blog post of there's which includes the recipie and Tag download.

I am going to make up a few of these this week as good joke gifts...

Oh well better head off and work on some more ideas and blog posts and will be back tomorrow to discuss Wrapping Gifts and all sorts of things like that.

1 comment:

  1. Love this lump of coal idea, will have to use that next year since I have presents sorted for this year.
