Friday 2 December 2011

Handmade Decoration or Gift Swap

Hi Everyone, Just a quick post while I finish up some emails and more Blog Posts for you all.  At the moment I have 5 people down on the swap list and thought there were more but with the corupted file I can't check.  I had 6 but I know one pulled out the other day by email becuase of all the amazing work she has on at the moment.

If you are not on the following list can you please urgently email me on so that I can get these swap names out please.

Nicki V

If this is all the actual number is that's totally fine.  We are going to have so much fun!

Have an awesome Summers Day everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoooooooo pressie nearly done, unfortunately I had to go with Plan B as I couldn't for the life of me find the embroidery hoop I have stashed away
