Friday 9 December 2011

Further Christmas Gifts

Yesterday I went and visit David's school teacher who is currently on Maternity Leave to visit and drop off some Christmas Presents.

For Tash I made the Crayon Wreath that I have been so excited to make.  I loved doing this and will def make them again.  Maybe next Christmas to order.

The following was "Caramel in a Can" that I found the label on the top on a website and you wrap a tin of condenced milk in patterned paper and put the label on top.  Turns out it will be the perfect present for her husband as he loves caramel so I chose well for him.

I am just in the process of making my mum's present which is a Kraft Callendar with vintage photos of Woodville and Gorge Township that my mum's family first settled in in 1874 when they emigrated from New Zealand.  I will take a photo of that and Blog about it when I am finished.

How is everyone's Christmas Present/Gift making and purchasing going?  Is anyone finished?  How much has everyone got to go?

I am spending the coming week finishing off as many of my presents as possible as school finishes for the year on Friday.  I want to have all the teacher's gifts finished hopefully by Thursday morning.  Though the present for their music teacher who is only there on a Wednesday will be done early.

What Christmasy things has everyone been doing?  David went to Sylvia Park this morning and got a photo with Santa and as his school were in the Clevedon Santa Parade this year he reminded Santa to make sure he was in Clevedon in time as they needed him and his raindeer.  So cute!  Pics of both these events to come once I have edited the Parade pics.

Take care and will Blog again tomorrow. Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments.


  1. Wreath looks fab Debs! I made one too, check it out on my blog! Tova's teacher loooved it, so thanks for the tip!

  2. That is so cute - prefect for a teacher and LOL about David reminding santa :)

    I am getting there with my present making and have all I have to buy for but this week I will make a good dent and I should go and sew up grams present now while I watch TV - umm should LOL

